IVF Kick Off

I’ve been very slack on the posting.  Thursday and Friday mental in work and I never seem to get it together to post at the weekend.  Soooo, what’s been happening:

I went to the clinic last Thursday to have a review of the drugs.  The pharmacist was fantastic.  Just went through the drugs I need to used now, he said we’ll take each phase as it comes and go through what’s necessary, right before I’m due to start.  This was a great approach as I was totally overwhelmed by the big bag of drugs I picked up from the drug store.

My friend came over with her little boy on Friday night for a play date with #1 Son.  It was good fun but I told her I was going to start IVF – WHY WHY WHY!  I promised myself I didn’t want to tell anyone.  I haven’t told anyone in my family, so why am I telling my friend?  (Apart from my 2 close friends that I have told – who are my rocks.)  Anyways, what’s done is done.

So moving to Saturday night – got #1 son into bed and asleep by 8:00pm, Husband was out with friends.  Got myself all set up with my Superfact, (buserelin), and Insulin needle and swabs.  After a few false starts I got managed to fill the injection with no air bubbles.  I swabbed a section of my tummy and then squeezed an inch of tummy flab between my left thumb and finger.  I was just about to inject myself and the weirdest thing happened, I got a total flash back to the last time.  The needle was resting on my skin and everything about the first IVF cycle came flooding back.  It was so strange, up to this point, it was like I had blanked everything out, I kept saying I couldn’t remember anything about it.  I tried not to dwell on it and off I went.  It hurt but nothing unbearable.  I followed instructions and pushed in the buserelin very slowly and then counted to ten, released my fingers, counted to 5 and then pulled out the needle.  I lay on the bed for a few minutes and then got on with my evening.  I didn’t feel any after effects.

Last night was a different kettle of fish.  After going through the same injection process, (it didn’t hurt this time),  I felt very, very light-headed and woozy and my heart was racing, (maybe about 10 mins after I injected myself).  Also, I bleed very heavily during the night.  Part of my didn’t want to call the clinic this morning, for fear they would say, come right in so we can check you and then stop the process.  Thankfully, they said it was perfectly normal.

All plans of getting up at 6.30 to go to the gym went out the window.  I’d really LOVE to tone up but I think I’ve left it too late.  The doctor says, when doing IVF, it’s best to limit exercise to what I would do if I was pregnant, which I guess is basically walking and swimming.  I’m going to focus on eating healthily from here on in, avoiding the work canteen will be crucial to this.  Started well this morning, I’ve brought in my own lunch.

The emotional side effects of the drugs are in full swing this morning.  I could have cried driving in to work in the car.  It would be SO lovely not to have to work during this process as it’s very overwhelming but that’s not an option, so I’ll just have to keep focused and get on with it.

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1 Response to IVF Kick Off

  1. gloriapopboy says:

    babe – be strong, the emotions are natural, and part of the process – you’ve done it before you can do it again. you know that I am here to sound off against, as well as writing on this blog. Really great way of getting your thoughts and emotions out of your head and onto the page. To gain perspective, and to have a record of how you’re feeling. Maybe you could try just summing up how you feel in a couple of sentences every day as you get out of the car. There is a wordpress app, so you can do it in privacy away from prying eyes in the office. well done you for going through all the injections again – if you start to doubt, just look at Lugagahlasgldkgs and think “it’s so worth it” xxx

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